Check here for student information and important links. Updates will be posted throughout the school year.
BAND App Signup
We use the BAND app as our primary communication tool in addition to email. It allows us to communicate quickly with students on performance nights, game days, competition days and during other events. We will also post important files needed during the school year as well as event pictures in the BAND app. The BAND app is a great place for students to ask questions and share band related information. There is a BAND app for all ensembles including Marching Band and Winter Drumline.
If you do not already have an account, please CLICK HERE to join. The BAND app is REQUIRED for all students.
Private Lessons
Private lessons are crucial to the development of young musicians. Private lessons dive into strategies for individuals to improve their playing at a level acceptable to be part of our premier ensembles.
Are you intested in Private Lessons? If so, CLICK HERE to complete the Private Lessons Form and check out the list of private lesson instructors in the BAND App.